Based in Omaha, Nebraska, money and the mind is a blog and podcast by aaron sailer and andy koepp. They work together to explore money, psychology, and provide resources to help on your financial journey.

Episode 38: Vulnerability is a Superpower

Episode 38: Vulnerability is a Superpower

Andy and Aaron discuss jealousy, the FIRE community, checking your bank account daily, “no such thing” as a negative emotion, Brené Brown’s work regarding vulnerability, and more. 

Warren Buffett’s shareholder letters
Brené Brown website
Brené Brown on Empathy vs Sympathy
Brené with Tim Ferriss and Dax Shepard

Episode 39: Buyer's Remorse

Episode 39: Buyer's Remorse

Episode 37: Building a FIRE with Kelly & Jeff

Episode 37: Building a FIRE with Kelly & Jeff