Based in Omaha, Nebraska, money and the mind is a blog and podcast by aaron sailer and andy koepp. They work together to explore money, psychology, and provide resources to help on your financial journey.

Episode 6: Shirking Savings

Episode 6: Shirking Savings

On today’s episode, Andy and Aaron discuss:

-Aaron implementing a show recommendation
-Aaron: the most helpful thing I learned this decade
-Andy’s bout of depression
-Why saving money is difficult
-Using an internal locus of control approach to saving
-Various ways to help with saving


-MarketWatch tweet
-Article on Dr. Brad Klontz research: Getting Sentimental Could Increase Your Savings
-The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior (full paper or a brief NPR link)
-I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Not referenced but helpful:
-How to save $1,000 in a month
-Morgan Housel: Let Me Convince You To Save Money

Episode 7: Liable Locus of Control

Episode 7: Liable Locus of Control

Episode 5: Credit Card Control

Episode 5: Credit Card Control